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Original Political Bumper Stickers

Page 4 of 10
(Presidential Goldwater through Humphrey)

All Bumper Stickers Are $3 Each Unless Marked Otherwise


BSLH-164 Al Haig
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BSLH-165 Al Haig
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BSLH-166  Heather Harder 2000 for Pres.
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BSLH-167  Tom Harkin for Pres.
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BSLH-168  Gary Hart for Pres.
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BSLH-169  $3  Gary Hart  for President Buy Now BSLH-170  Orrin Hatch for President Buy Now

BSLH-171  Orrin Hatch for President Buy Now

BSLH-172 Wayne Hays for President
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 BSLH-173 Kate Heslop for President 1988
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BSLH-174  John Hickenlooper 2020
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BSLH-175  Ernest Hollings
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BSLH-176  Ernest Hollings
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BSLH-177 Mike Huckabee 2016  $3  Buy Now BSLH-178 Mike Huckabee for Pres. 2016  $3  Buy Now
BSLH-179 Duncan Hunter for Pres. $3  Buy Now  
BSLH-184  Hubert Humphrey plastic window sticker
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BSLH-185  Hubert Humphrey Guest Area Lapel Sticker
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BSLH-186 Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-187 Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-188 Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-189 Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-190 Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-191  Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-192  Hubert Humphrey
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BSLH-193 Hubert Humphrey - Muskie
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