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Original Political Bumper Stickers

Page 6 of 10
(Presidential Kemp to Lindsay)

All Bumper Stickers Are $5 Each Unless Marked Otherwise


BSLK-1  Jack Kemp for Congress but it's white letters on blue background unlike this one.
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BSLK-2  Jack Kemp for Pres.
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BSLK-3 John F. Kennedy-Johnson 1960
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BSLK-4 John F. Kennedy-Johnson 1960
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BSLK-5 John F. Kennedy
$7  Buy Now
BSLK-1a John F. Kennedy very long 3 3.4" x 18" sticker
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BSLK-2a  John F. Kennedy hat band-heavy paper front portion  $7  Buy Now BSLK-3a Robert F. Kennedy Up Up & Away with RFK
$10  Buy Now 
BSLK-4a Robert F. Kennedy-complete hat band--heavy paper $8  Buy Now BSLK-5a Robert F. Kennedy paired with William Fulbright for VP 1968  $5  Buy Now
 BSLK-12 John F. Kennedy
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BSLK-13 John F. Kennedy
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BSLK-14 John F. Kennedy
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BSLK-18 Robert F. Kennedy
$10  Buy Now 
BSLK-19  Robert F. Kennedy
$7 Buy Now
BSLK-20  Teddy Kennedy
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-21  Teddy Kennedy 1972 for President
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-22a  Teddy Kennedy 1980 for President
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-22B   Bob Kerrey
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-23 John Kerry$3  Buy Now BSLK-24 John Kerry
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BSLK-25  John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BS-26  John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-27 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-28 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-29 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-30 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-31 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-32$ John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-33 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-34 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-35 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now 
BSLK-36 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now


BSLK-37 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now 
BSLK-38 John Kerry
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-42 Fred Karger for President Sticker
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-43 John Kasich 2016
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-44 John Kasich 2000
$3  Buy Now 
BSLK-45 Alan Keyes 1996
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-46 Alan Keyes 1996   $3  Buy Now
BSLK-47 Alan Keyes 1996
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-48 Alan Keyes 1996   $3  Buy Now BSLK-49 Amy Klobucher 2016 (D)
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BSLK-50 Dennis Kucinich (D)
$3  Buy Now
 BSLK-51 Dennis Kucinich (D)
$3  Buy Now
 BSLK-52 Dennis Kucinich (D)
$3  Buy Now
BSLK-53  Joe Lieberman $3  Buy Now BSLK-53a  Joe Lieberman for Senator $3  Buy Now BSLK-54  Joe Lieberman for 2004 for Pres.  2004
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BSLK-55  Joe Lieberman for Pres. 2004 $3  Buy Now 
BSLK-56 John Lindsay 1972  for Pres.   $3  Buy Now BSLK-57 Richard Lugar for Pres.   $3  Buy Now BSLK-58 Lundeen for Pres. 2008   $3  Buy Now